Friday, November 7, 2008

Polar Lands: Antartica

Antartica is on of the coldest places on earth. It is one of the ice desserts. . The coldest temperature there has ever been is -890c and the average temperature is -15 oc. Antartica is located south. It is 14,000,000sq kilometres. There are many different boat cruises that go around Antartica. The Antarctic continent is a land mass covered with ice up to 4 km thick. The highest point is about 4 km above sea level. Antarctica is the highest continent on earth but it is also the driest continent on earth aswell.

Tundra: Alpine Tundra

The Alpine Tundra is like winter is to people in New England; snow, high winds, ice, all the typical winter things. the people here are all dressed clothed to the max...trying to get places quick, it's even colder for me because i come from sunny days. the climate heres is cold, with few vegitation and little animals around.

River: Nile River

The Nile River is6695 km long. The Nile River gets its name from a Greek word "Nelios" which means River valley. Some things that people do at the Nile River are, go on lots of different cruises and traditional Egyptian sailing boats travelling up and down the Nile river.
These boats usually drop the tourist of at different tourist attractions. Most people that live along the Nile River would have done some sort of fishing in their life.

Wetlands: The Murray Wetlands

hey im up to my 7th part of my trip, i went to the murray wetlands. The NSW Murray Wetlands Working Group (MWWG) is a working group to rehabilitate degraded wetlands and improve wetlands management for River Murray and Lower Darling catchments, New South Wales, Australia. The people here are really trying to make an improvement in the world...starting with the murray wetlands. Even though its wet and dark the people here are happy almost all the time.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rainforest: The Amazon

The Amazon is a wonderful place of wildlife and colour. the climate here is very damp and cold.a moist forest that covers most of the Amazon Basin of South America. The Basin covers seven million square kilometers (1.7 billion acres), of which five and a half million square kilometers (1.4 billion acres) are covered by the rainforest.This region includes territory belonging to nine nations: Brazil (with 60 percent of the rainforest), Peru (with 13 percent of the rainforest, second after Brazil), Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Grasslands: The Savanna

The savanna is a tropical or subtropical woodland ecosystem, thew trees here are either very small or spaced out, the feel out here is very tuff, hot land and hot sun. hardly a good spot for humans to live.